Police searching for 2 suspects in armed robbery of Porter Ranch pharmacy
PORTER RANCH, Calif. (FOX 11/ CNS) - Police are searching for two people who carried out an armed robbery at a pharmacy in Porter Ranch.
The robbery occurred around 7 p.m. Thursday at a Kaiser Permanente pharmacy at 19300 Rinaldi St., where several customers were waiting to be helped.
A man, believed to be in his early to mid 20s, entered the pharmacy with a handgun and immediately jumped the pharmacy counter searching for painkiller-type cough medicine, said Sgt. Ray Diaz of the Los Angeles Police
Department's Devonshire Station.
When the man couldn't find what he was searching for, he snatched other medicine and an employee's purse before leaving the store and getting into a getaway vehicle driven by an unidentified suspect, Diaz said.
No one was injured during the robbery.
The suspect vehicle was described as an older model dark gray Mazda, Diaz said.
Police won't know what was taken from the pharmacy until an inventory is conducted, Diaz said.
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