LAPD investigating shooting outside synagogue in Fairfax District
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (FOX 11) - Authorities are investigating a shooting outside a synagogue in the 7600 block of Beverly Boulevard in the Fairfax District that injured one person Thursday afternoon.
Officers located an armed security guard who was working at Etz Jacob Congregation and took him into custody after learning the guard had been involved in the shooting. He has been identified as 44-year-old Edduin Zelayagrunfeld.
A 35-year-old victim identifying as a transgender woman suffered a gunshot wound to the leg and was conscious and breathing when taken to the hospital, according to police.
Video footage that appeared to show the shooting was live streamed on YouTube by user Furry Potato Live. In the video, a security guard outside the synagogue can be seen firing his weapon and hitting the victim who is then heard cussing saying they had been shot.
At one point in the video, the security guard is recorded saying, "You have nothing. That was just a warning shot. You keep doing that, I will shoot you for real."
It's unclear what transpired before the video began but sources say the YouTube personality was a First-amendment auditor, which is someone who goes around at different locations and they test out their First-amendment right to film and gauge what type of response they get.
Police say the victim did not suffer life-threatening injuries.
Zelayagrunfeld was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.