Company paying 'nap reviewers' $1,500 each for research

It seems like loving naps could really pay off.  

Mattress review company Eachnight is offering to pay five people $1,500 each to take naps every day for 30 days. These "nap reviewers" have to sleep alone during their naps and have to have strong English writing skills for their reviews, the company said.  

The selected nappers will have to "take part in a variety of experiments testing out theories such as the best nap duration for feeling refreshed, the effects of napping on overall levels of fatigue, and the effects of napping on memory, motivation and productivity," Eachnight said on its website.

Duties also include participating in video calls before and after each nap and completing a verbal questionnaire about the nap.

The selected nappers will be paid when they complete their napping experiments, the company said.  


"We wanted to test a few theories behind the pros and cons of napping to provide our community with some valuable insight," Eachnight said in its job posting. "We know that in general different length naps have different benefits, but we are keen to put this to the test, and we need your help!"

Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Eachnight is accepting applications from all over the world until May 31.

People who think they would be a good professional napper just have to fill out a form on Eachnight’s website before the deadline.

For more, go to Fox News.
