Some Saints fans circle petition demanding rematch with LA Rams
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (FOX 11) - Rams fans are on a high from last Sunday's win at the NFC Championship game that will send the team to the Super Bowl, but Saints fans believe that win really belongs to them.
"You don't cheat the team like that," said Saints fan Olivia Ledet. "You don't cheat the fan base, you don't cheat the city and we got cheated."
It's a growing controversy over a pass interference which referees didn't call. Saints fans said it cost the team the game.
"By not making that call it ruined the game," said Terry Cassreino, Saints fan. "It gave the game to the Rams."
Cassreino, who is a life-long Saints fan, launched a petition on Change.Org that calls for a re-match.
"My goal is to get a million signatures to make a statement to show the NFL that a lot of folks are upset about it," Cassreino said.
Los Angeles based Saints fans Olivia Ledet and Adrian Facio both signed onto the petition.
"I'm not saying give it to the Saints," Ledet said. "Let us replay the game or let us play from that point on."
Sports analysts looking into the possibility of a rematch refer to language in the NFL rule book that allows a commissioner to reverse or reschedule a game if an action is deemed "extraordinarily unfair."
"The fact that it's in the rule book means it's definitely a possibility," Facio said. "Are they actually going to do something about it? We hope so."
"The only rematch the Saints will get is when they come here to play us in the regular season," said Rams fan Aron Gonzalez.
Rams fans say they won the game fairly.
"I agree there was a pass interference, but there was a missed face mask call on Jared Goff on the previous drive," Rams fan Edgar Aguilar said.