Verve Coffee Roasters goes plastic-free with sustainable, clay to-go cups

Verve Coffee Roasters and GaeaStar evolve their partnership into pilot production, providing consumers with a sustainable and higher-quality to-go coffee experience. (Photo courtesy GaeaStar).

California-based Verve Coffee Roasters, in partnership with technology company, GaeaStar, announced their new line of plastic-free, zero-waste clay to-go cups available across select Los Angeles shop locations.

The clay cups are inspired by the ancient Indian "Kuhlars," a ceramic style rooted in 5,000 years of cultural practice. The to-go cups are eggshell-thin, made of natural ingredients and disintegrate into dust over time.

Each one is designed for reuse or can be used just once for on-the-go convenience, the company said.

"Our partnership with GaeaStar has the potential to transform the future of to-go coffee. We know it’s not always convenient for customers to bring their own cup, so this is the perfect solution, enabling elevated in-cafe experiences with the convenience of to-go, and without the guilt of takeaway packaging," said Colby Barr, CEO and co-founder of Verve Coffee Roasters. "Verve has always focused on crafting the future of coffee, and that means protecting its future – including being incredibly mindful of our impact on the environment. We’re excited to offer our customers a new way to enjoy their cup of coffee that brings quality, sustainability, and an elevated experience together."

Verve Coffee Roasters and GaeaStar evolve their partnership into pilot production, providing consumers with a sustainable and higher-quality to-go coffee experience. (Photo courtesy GaeaStar).

Studies show that 500 billion single-use coffee cups are discarded globally every year, but just 1% are recycled – leaving the rest to pile up in landfills or spill into waterways. 

Additionally, research also shows that standard single-use to-go coffee cups can leach microplastics into the drink.

"We are committed to reducing single-use plastic waste while also enriching the coffee-drinking experience," said Sanjeev Mankotia, Founder and CEO of GaeaStar. "We’re introducing a new standard for plastic alternatives that don’t sacrifice design, function or beauty."

The clay cups are available at select Verve locations across Los Angeles, Santa Cruz and Palo Alto. The 12-ounce clay to-go cups cost $2. Customers will receive a discount on future drinks when they bring the cup back for reuse.